#Growns we want you to take a good look/listen at this offering from Katherine Penfold of hope. Hope in knowing that we all belong and are not alone.

Katherine Penfold further illuminates the inspiration behind “Unapologetic” with these thoughts…

A song with lyrics like “Unapologetic” is probably the hardest for me to release into the world. I think there are a lot of meanings people will glean from the tune, but for me it’s about my work with anxiety, depression, and feeling all my life like I need to stay small. The lyrics (written by me and my gorgeous, songwriter bff Tiggi Hawke via Skype) explore into words I’ve said out loud or thought on so many occasions. The doubt, the self-judgement, and the belief that I (we) don’t deserve to be ourselves in the world. Without Tiggi I don’t think I would have been able to say as much as the song ended up saying. I will always have the low moments, but I am slowly and surely learning to be more unapologetic in all aspects of my life. My hope is that people listening to this song (no matter what they’re struggling with) might be able to gain some strength in hearing they’re not alone and we’re changing the world together, one moment at a time. “ – Katherine Penfold

We are who we are, and that can be received by others as good, bad or sometimes indifferent. But because of our innate programming we often fall to the habit of apologizing for self because we don’t want to offend or unnerve. In life collisions will occur. They are uncomfortable to sit in and taxing to clean up. What Katherine Penfold taps into here so eloquently on “Unapologetic” is that we all face at one time or another what others have and through that knowledge we can find strength to push ahead and not have to disappear behind the scenes.

These are the song/stories for wise ones, the good and grown if you will. Press play and share “Unapologetic” from Katherine Penfold.