We hear ya Kea oh yes we do. You see despite all that’s going in the world we all need the space and place to “live our best lives”. Kea(whom we’ve enjoyed presenting her classy musical style) is back with a warm breeze of a tune that is tailored-made for your Grown Folks Music soundtrack. “Holla If You Hear Me” features an exquisite trumpet solo by Giveton Gelin has Kea in full storyteller mode. I’m listening to every line as the rhythmic underpinning unfolds. Harmonic twists and turns keep my interest on the ride(what a ride). “Holla If You Hear Me” is music as I like it: served laid all the way back, around a quarter ’til nine, on the side of who knows what the night will bring.

#Growns, you know what to do! Support Kea’s musical movement.

“Holla If You Hear Me” is now available on all digital platforms. To purchase click on the link below.