Brand new vid featuring friend to GFM PC Muñoz and rapper DEM ONE, directed by a filmmaker named Chris Woon, whose film “Among B-Boys” has been playing on PBS.

From the press release

“One Voice/One Drum” is a new audio/visual collaboration between three accomplished Bay Area artists: acclaimed San Francisco percussionist PC Muñoz, San José rapper (and this year’s Silicon Valley Mentor of the Year) DEM ONE, and award-winning peninsula-based filmmaker Christopher “Paper Son” Woon.

A stirring call to action, riveting contemporary visual document, and arresting minimalist musical statement all at once, “One Voice/One Drum” was created with the most basic of tools: a lone voice, a solitary drum, and stark black and white footage.

“One Voice/One Drum” was recorded and filmed at San Francisco’s Studio Trilogy, a stunning state-of-the-art facility favored by heavyweights like Lady Gaga, Lil’ Wayne, Kronos Quartet, and R. Kelly.