This cut is such a sweet and spicy mix of flavors. On one end of the spectrum, the track plays a smoldering yet sensual backdrop. However on the other end, the comical commentary will have you dying like a Betty White SNL skit. It’s almost like ease dropping on a friend kicking game on a random chick and you’re trying your best to hold in the laughter. Here’s a classic example of what I’m talking about:

Morris: “It’s funny your eyes, when you stare at me like that, it causes my….my stomach q-q-q-uiver…..oh lawd (quivering).”

Only Morris’ playboy sophistication can make a sauce I sometimes put on my chicken a cue word for getting the drawers. How ’bout dat! 🙂

Here is The Original 7ven, formerly The Time with “Chili Sauce”.