When you mention female r&b talent of yester year you have to mention New Jersey native Sybil Lynch. Sybil has been recording since 1986 and still exemplifies true talent. Commonly known for her Dionne Warrick remakes “Walk On By” and “Don’t Make Me Over“, Sybil’s previous and current releases (albums and singles) have earned her great success not only in the U.S. but particularly in the U.K. as well.
Between 1987 and 1993 Sybil put out 4 albums; with her second album entitled “Sybil” having the most singles released she still seemed to only have moderate success in the U.S. Sybil has continued to make music and most recently (2008) released a single entitled “Shining Star” (available on Itunes).
The U.K. seems to show Sybil a lot of love but the U.S. loves the music too. Sooooo…
GFM wants to know, where are you? You are missed.
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KayBee (ItiZwutiTizZ)
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Sybil will be coming back… when she’s good & ready 😉