Never has a phone number been put down so properly on wax! “777-9311” was the groups breakout hit from 1982’s “What Time Is It?” If you were rockin’ this joint back in the day, you know you dialed this number!! This track has one of the funkiest guitar licks in life and the drums are ridiculous. Not surprisingly in a 1999 interview with Bass Player Magazine Prince was asked which of his many bass lines that he’s created was his favorite, he said “777-9311″ and that nobody could play it like him. He wasn’t lying because he simply kills it on this one.”777-9311” became the band’s biggest single to date, reaching number two on the R&B charts. The song’s title was Revolution member Dez Dickerson’s actual phone number at the time, causing his phone to ring off the hook until he had his number changed. Even though cell phones weren’t around back then, I’m thinking not the smartest move Dez.

One of the 1st basslines I ever learned how to play! Still to this day one of my favs to play!