Canadian flautist Jef Kearns paints a soulful audio landscape with his new single “Soulscape”, a song Kearns describes as “jazz-meets-hip-hop exploration”. Just right for unwinding after a hard day– click on it and let it take you away. Kimberly Kennedy CharlesI ask questions of your some of your favorite artists. Jazz Jef Kearns new music Now Playing Smooth Jazz Soulscape RELATED POSTS JazzR&BNow Playing August 28, 2017Now Playing: Jef Kearns: “The Ultimate” Feat. Meta Now Playing March 23, 2019Now Playing: Jef Kearns: “Breathe/Don’t Make Me Wait” Silky Smooth Jazz2015JazzNot Your Daddy's JazzSoulnew music February 3, 2015New Music: Jef Kearns: “Jazz Addiction” Now Playing August 20, 2018Now Playing: Jef Kearns: “Axel F.” [Theme from Beverly Hills Cop] Smooth JazzJazz20152016SoulNot Your Daddy's Jazz February 27, 2016#NewMusic: Jef Kearns: “Hazy” 2017JazzVisuals#Now Playing February 24, 2017Now Playing/Visuals: Jef Kearns: “N2U” (Into You) Feat. Ms. Paige PrevNext