#Growns if you were anywhere near the Twittervese this weekend you probably ran across this wonderful hashtag #Lovesexy30BK. What’s most apparent on even a cursory stroll through that stream is the power of music and more specifically the powerful force of music Prince is… now if you will allow me to summon some of my Southern Gentleman sensibilities for what I’m about to say to our esteemed colleague DJ Polished Solid(De Angela Duff) Ahem, De Angela you done good. But seriously from all of us here at GFM we really truly count it an honor that you would bring not only your love, expertise and passion for Prince’s music to this site but you’ve introduced us to so many kindred spirits who have shared their knowledge and talents with us.

Please check out a sampling of some of the #Lovesexy30BK tweetstream. Also a special shout out to Nikki and Becki who have been great supporters of the Inside The Album Podcast and all things GFM! Music really is a connector.