From the press release

New Album ‘Illusions’ is now available!!! Cop dat

I am happy to announce the release of my Sophomore album, ‘Illusions’. I’ve been working on this piece of art for almost 2 straight years now and I’m excited to share it with everyone. The album takes you on the journey of a relationship between two people from beginning to end. You’ll hear longing, love, lust, betrayal, escape, the lingering effects of two lives intertwined and lastly, reinvention. In the end, the real relationship at hand is the one you have with yourself – the illusion, or rather disillusion, that most people never come to realize. Also, a very very special shout out to my boy Adam ‘Illus’ Wallenta for making an amazing piece of art for the cover. Not only is he a dope illustrator but also has a sick flow. Look out for Adams upcoming album in the near future. From me to you, enjoy!!!

Download ‘Illusions’ at a ‘pay what you will’ rate for the next two days

You can download the entire album through and you can name your price!!! For the next 2 days there is no minimum. Also, check out the interview I did with them about social media platforms, digital distribution and Ableton Live. Mavaru is an amazing independent site that gives you ‘unprecedented flexibility in getting the music you want on your own terms’. I am honored to be a part of their movement and a featured artist on their site