Last week, friend to GFM DJ Speek Greene posted some thoughts on the state of Hip Hop. This week as promised he’s bringing his thoughts re: Soul Music live and direct to and for the all the Grown Folks out there. Speek let us know in no uncertain terms that the Soul Music that we know and love, as far as the mainstream is concerned, simply has ceased to exist save for a very few artists who may receive consideration on a corporate playlist. Plenty of historical context here and we’re definitely looking forward to Pt. 2! Thanks for all the love Speek and Grown Folks Fam let’s see we can reciprocate by sharing this vid and weighing in on the conversation.
Ivan Orr is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, performer, and writer. A native of Charlottesville, Virginia Ivan was involved with the forming and nascent days of The Music Resource Center as its first Program Director. A graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Music, Ivan currently resides in Richmond, VA where he maintains an active performance and production schedule while serving as the Music Editor for Grown Folks Music, a position he has held since 2010.