The opening “oooooooos” of this record immediately define its soulfulness. Soulful, not just in terms of genre or style, but soulful as in the listener is about to hear and feel something good.
“Shawn Na Na” invokes relaxation. From the acoustic guitar to the simple hook that is a play on Mr. Stockman’s first name, this song is warm and stress free like the perfect 75-degree day.
“Shawn Na Na” is from Shawn Stockman’s solo EP Shawn and Growns, we highly recommend that you check it out. In fact, we got to it late. Allow us to put you up on game because there are four other tracks you need to hear and vibe to.
Check out the lyric below.
March 4, 2010
Playing For Change-Ep. 26 Dreams of Kirina
January 19, 2010
Playing For Change
April 7, 2010
Playing For Change-Brazilian Rooftop Jam
March 14, 2018
Now Playing: The Commotions
January 28, 2019