Sometimes it’s not that simple… there are “Obstacles” to love. He wants her. She wants him, but she’s his best friend’s ex-girlfriend. Sigh. Enjoy “Obstacles” by Eric Roberson. Kimberly Kennedy CharlesI ask questions of your some of your favorite artists. Curt Chambers ER5/12 Eric Roberson Obstacles RELATED POSTS Artist of the MonthSoulSong of the DayIndie Soul May 8, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Still” Song of the DaySoulArtist of the MonthIndie SoulR&B May 17, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Woman” Artist of the MonthR&BSong of the DayIndie SoulNeo-Soul May 1, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “She” Artist of the MonthR&BSong of the DayIndie SoulNeo-Soul May 30, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Morning After” Artist of the MonthSong of the Day May 18, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “I Have A Song” Song of the DayArtist of the Month May 20, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “Dealing” PrevNext