Aaah… the “Morning After”, and all that comes with it. “…emotions running wild, can’t ignore the night before…” Enjoy the “Morning After” by Eric Roberson. Kimberly Kennedy CharlesI ask questions of your some of your favorite artists. ER5/12 Eric Roberson Morning After Song of the Day RELATED POSTS Indie SoulArtist of the MonthSoulSong of the Day May 8, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Still” Indie SoulR&BSong of the DaySoulNeo-SoulArtist of the Month May 29, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Obstacles” Song of the DayArtist of the Month May 18, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “I Have A Song” Indie SoulR&BSong of the DaySoulArtist of the Month May 17, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Woman” Indie SoulNeo-SoulArtist of the MonthR&BSong of the Day May 1, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “She” Song of the DayArtist of the Month May 20, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “Dealing” PrevNext
Wow! I think I am going to fall in love. Thanks for letting me visit your site, and watch the video.