“All Your Goodies Are Gone” by The Parliaments has soulfulness reminiscent of the Motown sound, but the lyrics push the envelope just a little and there is an edge of “funkadelicness” waiting to be released. Kimberly Kennedy CharlesI ask questions of your some of your favorite artists. All Your Goodies Are Gone George Clinton The Parliaments RELATED POSTS FunkR&BSong of the DaySoulArtist of the Month March 8, 2012Song of the Day: The Parliaments “The Goose” Artist of the MonthSong of the Day March 2, 2012Song of the Day: The Parliaments “Poor Willie” December 2, 2009New goodies from Muhsinah Song of the DayArtist of the Month March 1, 2012Song of the Day: The Parliaments “I Wanna Testify” March 19, 2010Kaye Fox-Your Song Artist of the MonthSong of the Day March 10, 2012Song of the Day: Funkadelic “What Is Soul?” PrevNext