With her much anticipated album, Turn Me Loose, dropping next week, a little reminder of why she’s so well loved and respected. You can preview and pre-order the album here. We love Ledisi! <a HREF=”http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fgrownfcom-20%2F8014%2F521a5902-266b-4445-9f00-055ed32ce177&Operation=NoScript”>Amazon.com Widgets</a> Twitter Facebook MySpace EPK Going Through Changes Ledisi Think of You Turn Me Loose RELATED POSTS SoulGrown Folks MusicJazzR&B August 18, 2009Ledisi – Turn Me Loose: In Stores Today! Tribute March 14, 2010Mandrill-Hang Loose MixtapesR&BNeo-SoulGrown Folks MusicMixesDownloads July 15, 2011What is Grown Folks Music Mixtape EP 13 – Conya Doss vs. Ledisi Grown Folks MusicLive PerformancesArtists October 19, 2008Ledisi – “In the Morning” (Live) February 24, 2010Ledisi-“Higher Than This” Video Grown Folks MusicArtistsClassic Hip Hop June 9, 2009Stezo – It’s My Turn PrevNext