If you like to be in the know about who’s next, particularly on the indie music scene, then surely you’re already a fan of the Efficacy series. The mastermind behind this great series is the world renowned Fiona Bloom. We could literally spend hours discussing all that she’s done and continues to do in the industry around the world. But, if you’re not familiar, you can find everything you need to know here.

The series takes you deep into the mind of some great artists and let’s you learn more about who they are and what they’re really about. Great stuff. Past episodes have featured Melanie Charles, Empire Isis, Bless Roxwell, Collette, Monica Blaire and many, many others.

The latest episode features Bradd Marquis, who I’ve been hearing a lot about but hadn’t had a chance to really check him out…. until now. Now that I have, I’ll humbly take my late pass and exit through the rear. As always, judge for yourself and let us know what you think! Thanks to Fiona for sharing this with us.


Bradd on MySpace