Back way back all the way in 2011 or so we featured Anita Baker as one our artists of the month. In doing research for a post on “You Bring Me Joy” I found a reference to the songwriter David Lasley and the fact that the original released version of the song was by Norman Connors featuring Adaritha in 1980. I never thought to look to see if there was a version by the writer but lo and behold whilst perusing the Twitter last evening Auntie Nita herself posted this gem.

So I couldn’t think of a better way to reinvigorate this series where we shine the light on cover songs and often songs you may or may not have known were covers. Each version of “You Bring Me Joy” brings something a little different to the party. David Lasley’s version is from his 1981 album entitled Demos. I often say that when you listen to a writer sing their own words and melodies you can pick up on the connection in a different way than when someone is singing the words of others. This is not a better, worse, either or proposition. No, it is simply admiring the level of connectivity that happens when someone is that entangled with the muse.