As a longtime fan here in the place where my fandom has been well documented I’m going to boldly state here about the news of your retirement that it was all the best Anita! All the best music and performance, style and grace… everything. I know that this is a sort of a road end or perhaps a slight turn for you but we truly wish you the best, you’ve earned it. I’d like to boldly proclaim that for us here at Grown Folks Music this is not an ending, but a beginning of sorts… for you see we believe that we need to continue to celebrate you and your music now more than ever. While we know that there will never be another Anita, we also know the importance of presenting all of what you’ve accomplished so that someone out there can remark that someone as special as you was able to share an incredible gift with the people. A gift that brought us joy and love and effectively had many of us caught up in a feeling of euphoria every time we heard a note emanate from that contralto.
This is not a news item to us, this is the equivalent of hearing from an old friend who is letting us know about the path she’s undertaking now. Mark my words as true that you will continue to hear from us through tributes, podcasts, conversations, polls, messages and so on and so on because it’s all about love here. On a personal note these familiar words truly sum up how I feel about your music and magic.
We may never understand if love just happens or if it’s planned…
As a 16 year old full of wonder about the world I could have never planned to fall in love your music. It just happened and I’m(we all are) a much better person for allowing myself to be lead into that love.
Take it easy…
Let the well wishes continue ad-infinitum well done!!!
Ivan Orr is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, performer, and writer. A native of Charlottesville, Virginia Ivan was involved with the forming and nascent days of The Music Resource Center as its first Program Director. A graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Music, Ivan currently resides in Richmond, VA where he maintains an active performance and production schedule while serving as the Music Editor for Grown Folks Music, a position he has held since 2010.
February 18, 2015
New Music: Angela Johnson – “To Love Again”
April 18, 2017
#ICYMI – New Music Mondays
February 18, 2015
New Music: Angela Johnson – “To Love Again”
April 18, 2017
#ICYMI – New Music Mondays
February 18, 2015
New Music: Angela Johnson – “To Love Again”
April 18, 2017
#ICYMI – New Music Mondays
February 18, 2015
New Music: Angela Johnson – “To Love Again”
April 18, 2017
Sweet love. Hear me calling out your name; i feel no shame. I; m n love
My favorite of all times hands down
Great voice, had her own style.fantastic stage performance.
She is one of the best singers. I listen to her every single day. I understand retiring. But we love you Anita Baker. I will remain your fan just listening to everything you have recorded. Enjoy your retirement. You have earned it.
Sad to hear this. Love her music, it is sexy and timeless.
Oh but you made us feel good while you were singing. Your voice is amazing
Love her
We will miss you. You brought so much joy to our hearts with all of your music. You don’t have give a reason for your decision. A lady knows when to leave. May God bless you and keep you. Much Love
I love me some Anita Baker I hate to hear this news I was looking to see if she was going to come out with something new it breaks my heart to hear this but I can understand she will always have a place in my heart and I’ll keep listening to her music it is good for my soul antia I love you and may the lord continue to bless you
I have this Beautiful CD…..
Sad to hear this. But at least I can say that I got to see her in concert twice. She had a great Christmas album.
So sad to see her leave but at least we can all say she was one classy lady with an amazing voice. Love me some her. So much love and peace in her music. 1 of the greatest to ever step on stage.
Have a great retirement. Try to rest and find new talent
She is my favorite singer in my era. I have all of albums/cd and Still loving it today. I am going to miss her and try not to scratch cd playing it over and over had to replaced 3 already. Keep her music with me everywhere I go. Love you Anita Baker for the love you put intp the music you share over my life time. Enjoy yourself because it is well deserve.
What we need now is someone to carry on her tradition while still being herself.
Maybe now I can afford to get her for my anniversary.(lol) She will ALWAYS be my favorite singer. I’m listening to Whatever It Takes as I type this.
One of the best albums ever
KD Diouf
A pleasure to pen a few words on a huge influence musically. I literally learned all I know about chord structure and progressions from listening to her music. I was a little floored the other day when I heard the news.
Love her style
No other can come close to her sultry voice . It can Never be duplicated.
WHAT????!!! NOOOOO!!! This is my gurl and someone who I attribute my vocal influence to…love you!!! Thank you for sharing, Ivan and for your beautiful quote! TANN