I realize that with our AOM we do the song of the day but I believe I might make a motion at the next GFM meeting whereby we can have special consideration for songs like this for song week! Of course we are going to have tons of great funk coming up this week from our AOM it’s just something with this classic from Mothership Connection that when it comes on you are compelled to hit the floor. Here’s to a funky week.
Ivan Orr is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, performer, and writer. A native of Charlottesville, Virginia Ivan was involved with the forming and nascent days of The Music Resource Center as its first Program Director. A graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Music, Ivan currently resides in Richmond, VA where he maintains an active performance and production schedule while serving as the Music Editor for Grown Folks Music, a position he has held since 2010.
January 14, 2015
Swing Down-Parliament/Funkadelic 1977
October 12, 2017
Parliament Live – P-Funk Earth Tour
January 14, 2015
Swing Down-Parliament/Funkadelic 1977
October 12, 2017
Parliament Live – P-Funk Earth Tour
January 14, 2015