In “Chocolate City”, our Artist of the Month is dreaming out loud about his desire to put a little “chocolate” on our nation’s capital. He even assigns the Cabinet: Muhammad Ali as the President; Rev. Ike as the Secretary of the Treasury; Richard Pryor as the Minister of Education; Stevie Wonder as the Secretary of Fine Arts and Ms. Aretha Franklin as the First Lady of the United States. All this probably sounded like comedy set to funky beat in 1975, but look at 2008–a “chocolate” man and woman became the President and First Lady of the United States. Aretha Franklin sang at the inauguration; as did Stevie Wonder. Stevie Wonder was also honored by President Obama at the White House as the second recipient of the Library of Congress’ Gershwin Prize. Not that big of a “trip” after all… “Chocolate City” from the 1975 Parliament album of the same name.