For me, Speed Demon is one of the forgotten step kids on the Bad album. In comparison to Dirty Diana or Liberian Girl, it didn’t really measure up to mainstream acclaim however this cut “goes hard” without question in my opinion. With the motorcycle intro, the addictive bass run, Michael’s simple vocal hick as a musical element, the chord change at the vamp, and the horn arrangements at the end, I just get excited writing about it!! I love this damn song!!! It’s also funny that the concept for the song was based on an actual speeding ticket Michael received in a driving violation. Now how about that for turning a ticket into a tune!!! Plus, through his  short film, Moonwalker, Michael’s visual artistry once again strikes a chord  by use of Claymation animation, a tactic never used in a music video before. This again shows Michael’s constant drive to push the envelope of creative innovation and further his reach as an icon.