As the vid description so aptly points out “15 minutes of Funk!!!” what more could you ask for on a Monday? All these years later there are so many of us still funkin’ with Uncle Jam. Can you imagine a song being 15 mins. long these days and keeping your attention? Hell some people have EP’s that long that can’t keep my attention let alone one song. There’s so much in here and the beautiful thing is every part works together to form the whole.

I remember doing an opening set for Garry Shider once and when we came off about two or three songs in the group he was playing with launched into this and my jaw dropped, I was looking at and listening to that voice of that iconic “Oh” that opens this opus six feet away from me. For me it was just something else to be able to be that close to music that you listened to over and over and over as a kid. RIP Garry Shider…