Check out “Def Ears”, by Eric Roberson, a song about a lady who he’s intrigued with, but for whatever reason they aren’t on the same page. Kimberly Kennedy CharlesI ask questions of your some of your favorite artists. Def Ears ER5/12 Eric Roberson RELATED POSTS Song of the DayArtist of the Month May 18, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “I Have A Song” Song of the DayArtist of the Month May 20, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “Dealing” Artist of the MonthSong of the Day May 23, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Fantasy” Song of the DayArtist of the Month May 10, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson “The Hunger” Song of the DayIndie SoulArtist of the MonthSoul May 8, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Still” Artist of the MonthSong of the Day May 24, 2012Song of the Day: Eric Roberson: “Breakitdown” PrevNext