Paraphrasing the the words of Andre 3000, words can get thrown around so lightly like “love”. Whether you’re calling someone “a friend, a rock star or so and so’s a genius”, it’s casual usage can seem numb to the receiver of this message. In cases like this you really have to touch upon the deeper meaning of how you feel and create the imagery that best explains your sentiments. To use the commonly used phase “I love you” is good. However if I express:

Your presence means the world to me.

A smile inspires my happiness

My soul is captured by love

Its bars know no loneliness

I possess many treasures

Mansions to diamond rings

Your heart is my greatest fortune

In love, I put that on everything

You see the difference! And on that note, here is  Brandy from her 1998 album, Never Say Never, Put That On Everything.